When the Bible uses the word offended it is translated from the original Greek word ‘skandalizo’. It literally translates “to fall into a trap.” This is where we get our current English word scandalous. When I think about the state of our county and culture, it seems like everyone is offended at something. But if offended can be translated as falling into a trap, then we have to ask the question, who is behind setting up all of these traps?…Because that’s all they are. TRAPS. How many of us have unknowingly gotten caught up in a trap, whether personal or political, and then asked ourselves how did we get into this mess? Things have gotten messy for sure. But when you choose to walk in love, you are choosing freedom over entrapment. Love repels offense, and is the pathway to your freedom.
Don’t be a victim to the Enemy’s traps in media, culture, politics, religion, news, and anything else you can think of. Walk in love, like Jesus did. That's the only way you can live above all of the foolishness in this world today. That's how you can be free from the trap. #FreefromtheTrap
~ David
P.S. Here is a message below that I did after posting this blog, giving more explanation to the point I am making, and giving you 3 steps on how to frogive.
Don’t be a victim to the Enemy’s traps in media, culture, politics, religion, news, and anything else you can think of. Walk in love, like Jesus did. That's the only way you can live above all of the foolishness in this world today. That's how you can be free from the trap. #FreefromtheTrap
~ David
P.S. Here is a message below that I did after posting this blog, giving more explanation to the point I am making, and giving you 3 steps on how to frogive.